Apache mod_disk_cache模块客户端验证信息存储漏洞

admin 2022-07-22 12:11:50 CNNVD漏洞 来源:ZONE.CI 全球网 0 阅读模式


Apache mod_disk_cache模块客户端验证信息存储漏洞

  • CNNVD编号:CNNVD-200403-091
  • 危害等级: 低危
  • CVE编号: CVE-2004-1834
  • 漏洞类型: 设计错误
  • 发布时间: 2004-03-20
  • 威胁类型: 本地
  • 更新时间: 2005-10-20
  • 厂        商: apache
  • 漏洞来源: Andreas Steinmetz※...


Apache是一款开放源代码流行的Httpd服务程序。 Apache包含的mod_disk_cache模块存在信息泄露问题,远程攻击者可以利用这个漏洞获得客户端验证的敏感信息。 mod_disk_cache模块把所有客户端验证信息存储在磁盘上,问题存在于modules/experimental/mod_disk_cache.c代码中的write_headers()函数: ======================================================================== /* Parse the vary header and dump those fields from the headers_in. */ /* Make call to the same thing cache_select_url calls to crack Vary. */ /* @@@ Some day, not today. */ if (r->headers_in) { ~ int i; ~ apr_table_entry_t *elts = (apr_table_entry_t *) ~ apr_table_elts(r->headers_in)->elts; ~ for (i = 0; i < apr_table_elts(r->headers_in)->nelts; ++i) { ~ if (elts[i].key != NULL) { ~ buf = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, elts[i].key, \": \", elts[i].val, ~ CRLF, NULL); ~ amt = strlen(buf); ~ apr_file_write(hfd, buf, &amt); ~ } ~ } ~ buf = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, CRLF, NULL); ~ amt = strlen(buf); ~ apr_file_write(hfd, buf, &amt); } ======================================================================== 所有r->headers_in字段写入到磁盘上,这个字段包含所有客户端的验证信息。因此攻击者可以借此获得一些验证的明文密码等信息。


临时解决方法: 如果您不能立刻安装补丁或者升级,CNNVD建议您采取以下措施以降低威胁:

* Andreas Steinmetz [email protected]>提供的第三方补丁如下:

diff -rNu httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/cache_util.c httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/cache_util.c

--- httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/cache_util.c 2004-02-09 21:53:16.000000000


+++ httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/cache_util.c 2004-03-20 15:55:51.000000000 +0100

@@ -516,3 +516,25 @@

apr_table_unset(headers_out, "Upgrade");

return headers_out;



+/* Create a new table consisting of those elements from a request_rec's

+ * headers_in that are allowed to be stored in a cache.

+ */

+CACHE_DECLARE(apr_table_t *)ap_cache_cacheable_hdrs_in(request_rec *r)


+ /* Make a copy of the request headers, and remove from

+ * the copy any hop-by-hop headers, as defined in Section

+ * 13.5.1 of RFC 2616

+ */

+ apr_table_t *headers_in;

+ headers_in = apr_table_copy(r->pool, r->headers_in);

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Connection");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Keep-Alive");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Proxy-Authenticate");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Proxy-Authorization");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "TE");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Trailers");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Transfer-Encoding");

+ apr_table_unset(headers_in, "Upgrade");

+ return headers_in;


diff -rNu httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/mod_cache.h httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/mod_cache.h

--- httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/mod_cache.h 2004-02-09 21:53:16.000000000


+++ httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/mod_cache.h 2004-03-20 15:55:51.000000000 +0100

@@ -238,6 +238,11 @@


CACHE_DECLARE(apr_table_t *)ap_cache_cacheable_hdrs_out(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_table_t


+/* Create a new table consisting of those elements from a request_rec's

+ * headers_in that are allowed to be stored in a cache

+ */

+CACHE_DECLARE(apr_table_t *)ap_cache_cacheable_hdrs_in(request_rec *r);



* cache_storage.c


diff -rNu httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/mod_disk_cache.c httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/mod_disk_cache.c

--- httpd-2.0.49.orig/modules/experimental/mod_disk_cache.c 2004-02-09 21:53:16.000000000


+++ httpd-2.0.49/modules/experimental/mod_disk_cache.c 2004-03-20 15:55:51.000000000


@@ -600,8 +600,9 @@

/* @@@ Some day, not today. */

if (r->headers_in) {

int i;

- apr_table_entry_t *elts = (apr_table_entry_t *) apr_table_elts(r->headers_in)-


- for (i = 0; i < apr_table_elts(r-="">headers_in)->nelts; ++i) {

+ apr_table_t* headers_in = ap_cache_cacheable_hdrs_in(r);

+ apr_table_entry_t *elts = (apr_table_entry_t *) apr_table_elts(headers_in)-


+ for (i = 0; i < apr_table_elts(headers_in)-="">nelts; ++i) {

if (elts[i].key != NULL) {

buf = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, elts[i].key, ": ", elts[i].val, CRLF,


amt = strlen(buf); 厂商补丁: Apache Software Foundation -------------------------- 目前厂商还没有提供补丁或者升级程序,我们建议使用此软件的用户随时关注厂商的主页以获取最新版本:



来源: XF 名称: apache-moddiskcache-obtain-info(15547) 链接:http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/15547 来源: BID 名称: 9933 链接:http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/9933 来源: OSVDB 名称: 4446 链接:http://www.osvdb.org/4446 来源: SECTRACK 名称: 1009509 链接:http://securitytracker.com/id?1009509 来源: SECUNIA 名称: 11176 链接:http://secunia.com/advisories/11176 来源: OVAL 名称: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:11133 链接:http://oval.mitre.org/repository/data/getDef?id=oval:org.mitre.oval:def:11133 来源: BUGTRAQ 名称: 20040319 Apache mod_disk_cache stores client authentication credentials on disk 链接:http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=bugtraq&m=107981737322495&w=2 来源: REDHAT 名称: RHSA-2004:562 链接:http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA-2004-562.HTML 来源: VUPEN 名称: ADV-2006-0789 链接:http://www.frsirt.com/english/advisories/2006/0789 来源: support.avaya.com 链接:http://support.avaya.com/elmodocs2/security/ASA-2006-081.htm 来源: SUNALERT 名称: 102198 链接:http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-26-102198-1 来源: SECUNIA 名称: 19072 链接:http://secunia.com/advisories/19072


  • Apache Http_server:2.0  
  • Apache Http_server:2.0.9  
  • Apache Http_server:2.0.28  
  • Apache Http_server:2.0.28:Beta  
  • Apache Http_server:2.0.32  



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